From a business perspective, one of the most devastating mistakes that you can possibly make involves assuming that you’ve “done enough” to destroy your confidential documents on your own. Remember that for every advancement that technology takes, it represents both a benefit to you and a danger in the form of security. Case in point: it is no easier than ever for your private information to fall into the wrong hands without proper confidential document shredding at your disposal. The dangers of this are severe – not only are you putting your business at risk, but also you’re also potentially exposing clients, employees and yourself to things like fraud and identity theft.

Confidential Document Shredding

Confidential Document Shredding

Shredded Paper Left in Bin

Improper Shredding Techniques

Most shredders that you can buy use a “straight line” shredding method to cut documents up into many little pieces. Even if you run the same document through multiple times, a little willpower and ingenuity is all it may take to reassemble sensitive documents. It may take days, but those documents are still ultimately in a form that can be recovered. Never underestimate the ingenuity of someone who wishes to do you harm.

With confidential document shredding like the kind provided by Shred on Site, however, you don’t have to worry about this at all. We use a unique “pierce and tear” method that not only helps to shred a document into many different pieces, but that also makes sure that those individual pieces are destroyed themselves. You may observe your documents being shredded on our truck’s CCTV system, so you can be rest assured they are properly destroyed.

Lost Documents

If you were shredding on your own, the chances are high that you wouldn’t necessarily do this every day. Documents would be held in an office, usually in unsecured archive boxes, until the appropriate amount of accumulation would occur before you would proceed. These documents offer an opportunity for them to be lost in the hustle and bustle of your daily business or stolen outright. With Shred on Site, there is no waiting around. We supply secure, lockable shredding bins where your documents will remain until our scheduled shredding appointment.

These are just a few of the dangers that come with a failure to shred your documents correctly. At Shred on Site, we will come to your location and use our state-of-the-art mobile shredding facility to help make sure that all of your documents are destroyed in such a way that they are impossible to recover. You can even watch the entire process on our closed circuit television camera right from your office, making sure that you don’t have a thing to worry about. If you want the peace of mind that only comes with knowing that your confidential and mobile document shredding needs are well and truly taken care of, please contact us today.