
Shred On Site part of the Victorian Government initiative ‘ShredFest’

ShredFest with Shred On Site

Shred On Site has partnered with the Victorian Consumer Affairs Minister since 2015 to host ShredFest events. These events have provided residents with the opportunity to have their documents shredded on site in our mobile shredding truck. To find out more watch news coverage of these events.

In 2021 ShredFest was held in Footscray where Melissa Horne, Victorian Consumer Affairs Minister urged Victorians to shred personal documents ahead of tax time in order to eliminate the risk of identity theft.

In 2019 ShredFest was held in the Melbourne’s west where Consumer Affairs Minister Marlene Kairouz spread the word about the importance of shredding confidential documents to avoid the risk of identity theft. “It’s always easier to carefully dispose of documents containing sensitive or confidential information than it is to resolve the implications that come from having your identity misused,” she said.

In 2016 ShredFest headed to regional Victoria shredding documents in Ballarat and Bendigo.

In 2015, Consumer Affairs Victoria partnered with the City of Maribyrnong, the City of Greater Dandenong and the Victorian Commissioner for Privacy and Data Protection to provide a free community ShredFest event.



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Shred on Site Document Shredding & Destruction Melbourne
Based on 343 reviews

Why Choose Shred On Site?

We are a mobile document shredding & destruction company that specialises in shredding confidential documents on-site for total security and peace of mind. All shredded paper is 100% recycled. We provide one-off and regular services.


  • Shred at your Premises
  • Total Security and Peace of Mind
  • Privacy Law Compliant
  • 100% Recycled
  • Cost Effective