As a busy business owner, organising an office clean out is probably the last thing on your to-do list. Because you have so many things going on, it is easy to let unneeded documents pile up until you’re faced with an overwhelming clean-up project. Having a regular appointment to shred unneeded confidential documents can prevent this from happening. Have a weekly or monthly shred day, and you’ll never have to deal with large stacks of disorganised, outdated documents again.

Mobile Shredding At Your Office Doorstep

Mobile Shredding At Your Office Doorstep

A Regular Shred Day Keeps You in Control

Do you have documents you need to shred frequently, but don’t want to waste time taking your documents somewhere to be shredded? Shredding on site is your answer. You know how important document security is to your business. Laws regarding compliant document destruction make having a regular shred day that much more important. However, asking an employee to feed documents into a shredder for hours each week is both unrealistic and a possible security risk. That’s why you need to schedule a regular appointment with Shred On Site. We offer regular weekly, fortnightly, or monthly services. We will also work with you to develop a document destruction program that complies with the Australian Privacy Act.

Our Services Keep Your Business Organised and Safe

Staying organised will keep your business running smoothly. You will not waste time digging through useless stacks of paper or risk having confidential information stolen or seen by a guest or unauthorised employee. At Shred On Site, we bring our mobile shredding vehicle straight to your door. We shred everything. Just hand us your archive boxes or stacks of paper, and they will be destroyed while you watch on CCTV. If you have a regular appointment scheduled with us, we will provide you with a secure lockable bin (we have a variety of sizes to choose from) where you can put the documents that are to be shredded. These shredding bins are locked at all times, and can only be opened by your Customer Service Operator and a person of your choice in your business. Shred on Site employees are experts at dealing with confidential documents. Our clients include accountants, legal firms, real estate agents, travel agents, recruitment firms, and other businesses that handle large volumes of confidential information.

Making an appointment and sticking to it will ensure that your office is never cluttered with old documents again. You’ll feel more organised and in control. Once your documents are shredded, the paper will always be pulped and recycled, and we can document that for you, too. Ready to get started? We can set you up with your lockable bin 24 hours after your call us. Contact us today for your free quote.