Moving your office from one location to another is an excellent opportunity to start fresh, free from the clutter that may have been bogging you down at your previous location. Moving tends to put everything in perspective – sometimes those documents that you were hanging onto “just in case” are the perfect candidates for secure document destruction when a moving truck is right around the corner. If you’re in this exciting and admittedly stressful time, it’s important to understand that you don’t have to go it alone. Shred on Site can help move your office successfully and efficiently with our office clean out service.

Office Clean Out

Office Clean Out

We’ll Prepare Everything For You

If you’re in the process of moving, you probably don’t have the sheer amount of time that it takes to get documents ready for paper shredding on your own. Removing staples, folders and other elements is time consuming during a normal circumstance, to say nothing of how long everything can take if you’re already in the process of packing up everything else in the office at the same time.

As far as your confidential document destruction needs are concerned, you don’t have to worry about a thing – Shred on Site will take care of all of it. Our shredding trucks will destroy all of your secure documents, binders, folders, paper clips and all. We will ensure your confidential documents are destroyed properly so that you can focus your attention where it is the most important: the move itself.

We’ll Come to You

Another bit of stress that you absolutely don’t need during an office move has to do with document transportation. If you were never planning to perform your confidential document destruction yourself, the chances are high that you were going to transport your documents off-site so that someone else could handle it.

This still requires a great deal of preparation on your part to make sure all items get from “Point A” to “Point B” properly. Instead of worrying about that, Shred on Site will come to your office with our mobile document destruction truck. We’ll gather up all of your confidential materials into 240 litre shredding bins and perform the shredding right there, allowing you peace of mind knowing that nothing is leaving the grounds in readable form. You can even supervise the entire enterprise via a closed circuit television camera system if you’d like. At the end of the process, we will issue you with a Certificate of Destruction to add to your records.

Shred on Site

If you’re getting ready for your next big office move, let Shred on Site pick up some of the burden. You have to manage employees, packing supplies, moving trucks and more – the last thing that you need on your plate is the responsibility associated with secure document destruction. Let us worry about those issues while you get back to doing what you do best: running the most successful business possible, completely free of compromise. Not only will it make the physical move easier, but also it will make running your business easier when you get all set up at your new location. For your next office clean out, contact Shred on Site today!