When you make the decision to shred certain business or client documents so that they’re destroyed in a way that will not allow them to be recovered, there are a number of important things to keep in mind. As far as document destruction is concerned, “security” is the name of the game. It’s the reason why you’re destroying these documents in the first place – to help make sure that they don’t fall into the wrong hands under any circumstances. As far as document disposal is concerned, there are two main avenues that you may choose to pursue depending on your preferences – you can use Shred on Site or you can send your documents off site to be destroyed. Though these may sound similar because the end result is the same, in reality they are very different and should always be treated as such.

Shredding Process

Shredding Process

How Does Shred on Site Work?

When you make the decision to use Shred on Site, what you’re really investing in is total peace of mind when it comes to the final resting form of the documents in question. As a trusted partner, we will come to your home or place of business and physically collect all of the documents and other papers to be destroyed – no further action is required on your part. You and your employees don’t have to remove so much as a paper clip – representatives from Shred on Site will take care of everything.

Shred On Site Loading Truck

Shred on Site Loading Truck

All of the secure document destruction and other shredding services will be performed at your physical business location using state-of-the-art technology. Not even as much as a single document will leave your business location in any type of readable form, giving you complete and total protection from data breaches, identity theft and more. Most providers like Shred on Site even allow you to view the process as it happens using a closed circuit television system in our shredding trucks if you so choose.

The Disadvantages of Shredding Off Site

Though shredding off site may initially seem more convenient, there are a number of very real downsides that you need to be aware of. For starters, a great deal of time, effort and money will be spent by your organization before your documents physically leave the building. In some cases you have to prepare them for transport (meaning that binders, folders, paper clips, staples and other elements need to be removed), before they are collected for transport to the offsite shredding facility. And therein lays another potential problem. Once at the offsite shredding facility, they are sorted into white paper and non-whites. At this stage all your documents are still in a readable form, leaving your confidential information open to theft. So therefore, your documents are essentially unprotected from the moment that they leave your building until they are actually placed into a shredding machine.

Another major problem is the trust element. How do you actually know your confidential documents will actually be disposed of as promised and not dumped in a paddock somewhere? With Shred on Site, this isn’t something that you have to worry about.

For peace of mind, secure document destruction, contact Shred on Site today.