Paper recycling plants undoubtedly plan an important role in today’s modern society. Recycled paper and other types of materials are used in everything from the paper you put into your computer printer at work to the cardboard that you use to move documents and equipment from one location to another. When you look inside the inner workings of a paper recycling plant, you can begin to get an idea of just how truly amazing these facilities really are.

Document Arrival

When documents arrive at a paper recycling plant, the first thing that happens is that they are separated into different areas of the facility based on criteria like grade, type and more. This helps keep things in the plant moving as efficiently as possible, as different types of machines are required to process different types of paper.


Paper is then washed thoroughly with water to remove the types of inks, films and other materials that could delay the recycling process and potentially damage the sensitive equipment inside the facility.

Breaking Down Paper

Once those paper materials are properly washed, they are then typically placed into a large container and are mixed with water. This helps break down those materials into what is commonly called “slurry,” which is then used to create different types of paper-based products. Newspapers, cardboard containers, printer paper, and everything in between are all created by taking the slurry and breaking it down into the appropriate grade and type of recycled paper product.

Confidential Document Shredding

One of the most important functions of a paper recycling plant has to do with compliant document destruction for the purposes of security. Many paper recycling plants in Australia and in other countries offer document destruction services, allowing businesses to expedite their confidential document disposal in a way that not only offers the maximum level of security, but that is also compliant with all local rules and regulations regarding privacy.

Shredded Paper Recycle Symbol

Shredded Paper Recycle Symbol

After your office clean out, any important files that are not destroyed as a part of your own document shredding process are sent to the paper recycling plant in separate containers. Trained professionals at the plant will then go through and perform secure document destruction services to get rid of all of a client’s confidential paper and other document security needs.

Certain other businesses offer shredding on site, like Shred on Site, which means that all confidential shredding services are performed while the documents are still located in the business in question. This helps give decision makers and business leaders the complete peace of mind that comes with knowing all of their confidential documents are being disposed of properly without ever leaving the building. Mobile document shredding helps to make sure that no documents will be left on site at a business in any type of readable form before being sent over to the recycling plant. Many services also offer a certificate of destruction, which allows businesses to prove that their onsite paper destruction was taken care of properly.