We’ve all been there: standing in the storage room of our office, staring at a tall stack of archive boxes, then just turning away and shutting the door. It’s easy to ignore these old documents if you don’t have to look at them every day. It may seem like the least important job on your to-do list, but having routine archive box clean outs is important for any business. Secure document destruction should be at the top of your list when it comes to the office clean out. Having a professional paper shredding company like Shred On Site to help you can make it a quick and painless process.

But, how do you take that first step when you have so many other things to do? How do you overcome procrastination?

Overcome Procrastination Now!

Overcome Procrastination Now!

What is Procrastination?

If you procrastinate, you’re not alone. Most people find themselves doing it at some point: putting off important tasks for days, months, or even years at a time. Sometimes it is because you have other things to do that you think are more important, so the archive clean-out (for example) continually get moved to the bottom of your to-do list. Other times, people procrastinate because there are things that, quite frankly, are more enjoyable and easier to do. Everyone probably has activities they’d prefer to cleaning out their document archives.

How To Stop Procrastinating

First of all, you have to recognise what you’re doing. Are you leaving an item on your to-do list for a long time, even though you know it’s important? Do you sit down to research a plan on how to organise your archives, and then get up right away to have a cup of coffee? Luckily, there are some strategies you can employ to stop procrastinating and get the job done.

  1. Find someone to hold you accountable. Ask an employee or co-worker to check with you to make sure you’ve completed the task. That should motivate you to get going!
  2. Think about the consequences of not doing the task. In the case of your archive box clean out, you are perpetuating a security risk by leaving piles of unattended and outdated confidential papers laying around.
  3. Are you procrastinating because you are disorganised? Set a hard deadline for the project. If you know it needs to be completed by a certain date, you are less likely to put it off.
  4. If you’re overwhelmed by the size of the task, there is no need to delay anymore. Shred On Site can help you get your archive box clean out done fast, so there should be no concerns about how large the project is.

So, just why is it so important to clean out your archive boxes? Quite simply, having well organised and up to date archives protects your business and your clients from identity theft, and shows you’re in compliance with laws regarding secure document destruction. Don’t delay. Stop procrastinating and call Shred On Site today.