You may think that because you shred your important documents, you are completely protected against identity theft. Unfortunately, there are many ways industrious thieves can steal your confidential information. Having a secure document destruction plan is important, but what else can you do to keep your information safe?

Secure Your Identity

Although there is still a chance thieves may steal confidential information from your outdoor rubbish bin, they are far more likely to access it via your computer or mobile phone. Placing security safeguards on your computers is essential. Install security software, use a password on your wireless router, and do not use public Wi-Fi when conducting financial transactions. If you are using your smartphone to conduct business, make sure the phone is password protected and install a program that allows you to wipe your phone if it is stolen. Be sure to upgrade the operating system when new updates are available.

Some thieves also steal bank statements or credit card bills directly from mailboxes. One way to prevent this is to stop the bank from sending you statements – receive them electronically instead. If your computer is secure, you will be much less likely to be the victim of theft.

Shredding Is Still Important

While just shredding alone may not be enough to protect you against identity theft, it is still an effective tool. Identity theft is only one of the many reasons to shred your documents: invasion of privacy, non-compliance with national laws, and corporate espionage are all things that could harm your business. The bottom line is that the best way to protect yourself and your business from identity theft and other crimes is to be vigilant, and part of being vigilant includes shredding your documents.

If you simply shred your documents and place the shredded paper into your rubbish bin, you could still be at risk. A particularly enterprising thief could tape together the pieces of an important document. While this may seem unlikely, a couple in the US were recently charged with fraud for doing just that. That’s why mobile shredding is so important. Because Shred On Site immediately removes your shredded documents for recycling, there is absolutely no chance anyone could get their hands on them, much less tape them back together. This is especially important if you are worried about corporate espionage.

Even in the computer age, shredding your documents is an essential part of protecting yourself and your business from identity theft. Shred On Site can help you do just that. We’re on time, on site and always on guard.