Mobile Shredding Will Keep You On-Task

As a busy business owner, organising an office clean out is probably the last thing on your to-do list. Because you have so many things going on, it is easy to let unneeded documents pile up until you’re faced with an overwhelming clean-up project. Having a regular...

Archive Clean Out: Overcoming Procrastination

We’ve all been there: standing in the storage room of our office, staring at a tall stack of archive boxes, then just turning away and shutting the door. It’s easy to ignore these old documents if you don’t have to look at them every day. It may seem like the least...

Shred On Site is Now AAA Rated

We are thrilled to announce that we are now NAID AAA rated. We always tell potential customers that we provide the best secure document destruction service around. Now we can prove it. With our new certification, our customers can be even more confident they are...

Document Security for Architects and Engineers

If you are an architect or consulting engineer, then you already know that record retention for design and construction documents can be a complex issue. Some documents, such as final versions of drawings and specifications, should really be archived for as long as...

Document Security for Health Services

Most people take for granted that their doctor will keep their information private. Can the same be said for other types of health service providers such as physiotherapists, naturopaths, chiropractors and masseuses, as well? What becomes of the health-related...

Is Your Document Archive Overflowing?

With all of the rules regarding document retention, it may seem easier just to keep everything rather than risk throwing a necessary document into the rubbish bin or shredder. This policy leads to one major problem: overflowing archives. Keeping track of all of this...

Time For an Office Clean-Out?

At the beginning of a new year, many people resolve to finally get organised and stay organised. At home, you may decide it is finally time to clean out the garage, straighten the wardrobe or tidy the pantry. Maybe you’ll get your kids involved—letting them help...

Put Your Mind at Rest

You hear stories about it all the time: corporate documents are found in places they shouldn’t be—even blowing down the street. Stories about identity theft are frequent news items. It is enough to keep any business owner up at night. If you’re anxious about document...

Why Paper Recycling is Important

You know that our business is paper shredding. What you may not know is what we do with all of the paper that we shred in our mobile shredding unit. At Shred On Site, we are environmentally conscious. We recycle everything we shred. We believe that paper recycling is...

A Paperless Office?

A famous article in Business Week predicted that the “paperless office” would be the way of the future. Clutter would be minimised, and millions of trees would be saved. This was in 1975, and we are still as far away from the ideal of a paperless office as we were...