How To Prepare Your Documents For Shredding

As a business owner, preparation is an important part of your everyday life in a wide range of different ways. You wouldn’t go into a meeting with a client without first doing the proper preparation, right? Of course not – you would be doing both the...

Document Security Tips for Medical Facilities

Consider for a moment the fact that the type of secure information that people can steal from a medical facility is more valuable to a thief than even something like credit card numbers or bank account information. This is due to the fact that the level of damage that...

The History of Paper Shredding

Paper shredding is a technique that virtually every type of business, government office, and even home user depends on at some point in their lives. Mobile Document shredding is a great way to take employee records, tax information, and even just personal information...

The Types Of Documents You Need To Shred

One of the most important functions of your business on a daily basis has nothing to do with managing customer relationships or making sure that your employees are paid on time, though those are most certainly integral to your operations. Instead, one of the biggest...